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Opportunities for teams
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Meet some of our team

ClickNwork is people-power. We bring together the talent of people from around the world to provide business services (research, analysis, writing, data entry, interviews etc) to companies.

We do this by building teams of experienced professionals to take on work presently performed by companies in-house. Our difference is that we build our teams from people that want to work from home - typically highly talented and experienced individuals who for one reason or another prefer to (or have to) work from home rather than in an office.

Our teams are multi-national, multi-cultural and multi-time zone and blend together to deliver high quality services very cost-effectively. At any given moment we have people working on a wide range of assignments - conducting executive interviews, analyzing financial reports, preparing competitor profiles, researching business issues, translating earnings calls, examining product placement at retailers and so on.

We do all this even though most team workers haven't talked to each other and very few have met - we think it's a modern marvel!

In our view, working-from-home doesn't get enough air time. Companies are aggressively outsourcing and offshoring but typically all this does is to replicate working practices in a different location, so you have teams in India, or China or the Philippines doing what teams in the US, or the US or France once did. Yet with 'homesourcing' (not a word we particularly like, so if you know of a better one, tell us) companies can obtain similar cost savings but though a process that allows people to work from home and be closer to their families and communities.

If you're a company interested in learning more about our work and how you can benefit from this resource, we'd love to hear from you. If you'd like to explore working from home, please see the opportunities we offer and read how other people fit ClickNwork into their lives.

Last, a quick rant: too many 'work from home' websites are scams that ask for money upfront. We think this is cruel trickery that plays on people trying to work out a way that balances their work and home lives. ClickNwork has been around since 2000 and we have never asked for payment, and nor will we. If you know of such scams please contribute to our forum (when we get it up and running) to help expose scams you know of.

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